Also a major work in progress, I will post all of my finished projects along with miniblogs here, formatting is gonna suck for a little :p
3/3/25: Clear the cobwebs, I promise this website hasn't been forgotten! I've thought over how I'd expand this website, but have been very occupied with more urgent life stuff. I still want a bit more time before I have another solid round at participating here, and maybe I'd add more interaction than just an email. :p
12/24/24: Still technically related, over the last couple months I've been developing a routine system that's massively increased output for tasks and projects. Boiled down, it's just an overengineered notes system to learn how I function, keep track of things, try ideas and keep what works. I've been very surprised with how effectively it's been working. From the boost in ability, I've been able to clean and sort through my unfinished/untouched projects. Doing that led me to buying a proper area for doing electronic projects, and while it still needs some work, I'm really excited for the future! :)